Mill Valley Community creates Go Fund Me to solve bird and trash problem

March 03, 2021 @ 9:00 AM, Strawberry Cove Park

After a frustrating bird problem in their local park, this Mill Valley community came together to create a Go Fund Me for a bird proof trash can. Strawberry Cove Parks sits on a marshland off Richardson Bay just North of San Francisco where the wild life find a rest stop in between migrations. SCP is the stomping ground for kids living in the Strawberry Cove Condominiums as well as a common intersection for dog walkers and lunch break takers.

The marsh views from the monkey bars is second to none but shortly gets interrupted by the exposed, overflowing, trash bin. The community chose a dark grey, hands free chute, with the added bird proof steel plate sealing off the underneath of the unit.

Slide to view the before and after pictures below!